Joe Biden Reveals New Strategy for Boosting Popularity: ‘Misspeak Mondays’

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a move that left political analysts and meme creators in a frenzy, President Joe Biden announced a new White House tradition dubbed ‘Misspeak Mondays’ aimed at boosting his popularity among a younger demographic.

“Look, folks, we’ve noticed that every time I accidentally say something a little off, the internet has a field day,” said the President during a recent press conference. “So why not make it a regular thing? A bit of levity in these trying times.”

The idea reportedly came after a White House intern noticed a spike in Joe Biden mentions on Twitter every time the President had a slip of the tongue. “Young people love authenticity,” the intern said. “And what’s more authentic than forgetting what you were saying mid-sentence?”

‘Misspeak Mondays’ will involve the President deliberately mispronouncing names, forgetting statistics, and occasionally blending two completely unrelated topics. This Monday saw Biden commenting on the economy and accidentally referencing the “Galactic Senate” instead of the U.S. Senate. Memes of Biden as a Jedi master negotiating trade deals in a galaxy far, far away were viral within minutes.

“We believe this approach will really resonate with the TikTok generation,” said White House Communications Director. “We’re thinking of introducing ‘Tumble Tuesdays’ next, where President Biden will purposefully trip over non-existent objects.”

However, the announcement has faced backlash from some quarters. “It’s an insult to the dignity of the office,” declared one pundit. “The President should be focused on running the country, not trying to trend on social media.”

Supporters, on the other hand, commend the initiative. “It’s refreshing,” says Millie, a college student from Oregon. “Politics has been so intense lately. It’s nice to have a laugh and remember that our leaders are human too.”

As part of this new initiative, rumors suggest that the White House is also considering ‘Wacky Tie Wednesdays’ and ‘Funky Hat Fridays’, though these are yet to be confirmed.

Jacob Hayes

Jacob Hayes, hailed by some as the Shakespeare of memes, is an online sensation known for blending profundity with sheer absurdity. Outside of crafting deep tweets and dad jokes, Jacob pioneers competitive sock puppetry and has a curious affinity for half-caf lattes. A legend in his own right (or at least in his own mind).

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